Friday, April 22, 2011

Go Ahead And Whack Me

Okay, okay, I'm a bag of lazy bones. (How can bones even be lazy? It makes no sense!) I've started the next chapter of the Act, but it's coming along pretty slowly. As in, baby steps. Plus negative one. Or something like that. I know what's going to happen, but I- just- can't- get- it- on- paper! So I'm slightly frustrated right now.

It's been happening more and more often; I stumble across a scene I was looking forward too, and then poof! The words get stuck between my brain and my fingers, caught in traffic of my mind. I have a few theories about it- what causes it.

1) Reading too much.

I've been reading a lot lately. As in, more than I've read in a very long time. I had forgotten how nice it is, to never run out words to wallow in. I mean, technically, it should never happen since there are so many books out there, but... it happens anyway. But the more plot lines and characters I'm learning about, the slower my mind can work. Maybe. It's just a theory.

2) Writing too many opposite stories simultaneously.

It's my greatest weakness, the strongest disease, and the bliss and bane of my existence. When a story pops up in my head, I just- have- to- write it! So right now, I'm working on... five stories? Let's count, 'cause I'm not sure. 1) The Second Book (title unknown) (currently at 760 pages... and counting) (my most serious project) 2) The Silver Knight -the first book of the Chronicles of the Keepers, which I wrote out of order. Accidentally. I'm only about 2,000 words into it, but I'm working on the outline. 3) Sons of War, my Inheritance Cycle fanfic, at 45,000 words. I love it, and evidently, so do my reviewers. :D 4) My Pride, Their Pain- a little fanfic for the Hunger Games. Poetry. Easy to write, hard to get people to read. 5) Reunion, a Percy Jackson fanfic 6) Like We Once Were, another poetry fanfic, only for the Inheritance Cycle. 6) The Act, of course. 7) The Invincibles. 'Nuff said. 8) random Viking story that I will probably never show anyone, 9) random Hush Hush story I will only post under extreme circumstances, as in, I fall in love with it, and... 10) Descent Into Madness, another fanfic I've started, but haven't posted.

Wow. That's ten. Hmm.... I should probably cut some of that out, but that'd be like cutting a baby in half. It doesn't really work.

3) Stress.

Yeah... it definitely puts a dampner on the whole creativity process.

4) Homework.

No explanation necessary.

So! You all can whack me for not finishing up the next bit of the Act. I'll get it cranked out sooner or later... maybe... (sighs)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I wanna read that Hunger Games fanfic! :)
    Also, I totally understand about the whole "getting-stuck" phenomenon, I've been in that situation for almost two years now... :/
