Sunday, October 30, 2011


So, Tuesday starts NaNoWriMo- ahhh!!!!!!

Oh, yeah. It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and as you can deduce, that's November. The goal: write 50,000 words. Translation: a lot.

I'm not doing it this year because I already have too much on my plate. Too much school, to many books. Actually, I came up with another idea yesterday. No, no, the day before that. I don't like it quite yet because I haven't gotten things sorted out, but that's normal.

Something else I've realized is that the more I write and read and just imagine, the more original my ideas get. My first book just makes me want to vomit, because, no joke, it's basically the Fellowship of the Ring, minus the awesomeness.

But this one has potential. I haven't decided a title or anything, but I have a few ideas. Things like The Order of the Griffin, but that sounds to Harry Potter-ish. The story really doesn't have anything to do with Harry Potter, except that both are fantasy and involve magic. Perhaps the Order of the Dragon Claw. But that sounds like Dungeons and Dragons, which I've never played and know nothing about. So... I've got to keep thinking.

But it has potential! This story could actually amount to something!

The Invincibles, for now, is dead. The Act is still near and dear to my heart, but I don't think I'll continue it anytime soon. And the Silver Knight... Ithrean... I may love the kid (haha, that's an inside joke with the book- you might understand later, if I ever post more of it), but he's really driving me crazy. I just can't get any momentum on it.

So here's my plan, since I can't do NaNoWriMo.

1) Write a very detailed outline for one of my potential novels. Scene by scene, page by page, the whole nine yards.
2) Read.

Sounds easy, right? Wait wait wait, I can fit in a quote that I wrote earlier today in here!

“So, what is your plan?” Dyke asked, glancing between me and the saddlebags.
“We find the Order. Simple as that.”
“Nothing about the Order is simple.”
“No, but that doesn't mean that the return journey will be difficult either.”
She gave me a condescending look, like she didn't believe me. “It'll only be difficult if you're wanted in three provinces or attract the attention of every man within twenty megaspans.”
“I might.” She shrugged. “You never know.”  

Wish me luck, and good luck to all the lucky ducks doing NaNoWriMo! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First Book... from 2nd Grade

My mom found this the other day... oh, let me tell you, it brings back memories! I wrote this at the very end of 2nd grade- I was seven- and this is the unedited version.

It's proof that my destiny is to become a writer! Anyway, it's short, and for a second grader, it's not bad. It made me smile, and I hope you'll enjoy it too. :)

She started like this;… it was a vary hard time for orfens, vary hard time. Chrismas was coming, and the food was going, and the wood was going too, orfans shelter. Thay called her Emma, even thow she did not know how to even spell it. She did make friends with the anamils and the other orfins. One day in fall, a plasent day the ofenins wer waking and then…. BOOM! Thay new what that ment, men were in the forest! Thay all scrambled to hide… Emma could not find a hideing spout, thay wher all taken. Then she saw that two eyes wer wascking her,; She ran as fast as she could but the feet got closer and closer until two hand-s grabed her! Thay pushed her down and rold her over then one gentle fase looked at her, then a dog barked, it was Wildwood! (Wildwood is Emma dog)

I think I've come a long way. :)