Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My First Book... from 2nd Grade

My mom found this the other day... oh, let me tell you, it brings back memories! I wrote this at the very end of 2nd grade- I was seven- and this is the unedited version.

It's proof that my destiny is to become a writer! Anyway, it's short, and for a second grader, it's not bad. It made me smile, and I hope you'll enjoy it too. :)

She started like this;… it was a vary hard time for orfens, vary hard time. Chrismas was coming, and the food was going, and the wood was going too, orfans shelter. Thay called her Emma, even thow she did not know how to even spell it. She did make friends with the anamils and the other orfins. One day in fall, a plasent day the ofenins wer waking and then…. BOOM! Thay new what that ment, men were in the forest! Thay all scrambled to hide… Emma could not find a hideing spout, thay wher all taken. Then she saw that two eyes wer wascking her,; She ran as fast as she could but the feet got closer and closer until two hand-s grabed her! Thay pushed her down and rold her over then one gentle fase looked at her, then a dog barked, it was Wildwood! (Wildwood is Emma dog)

I think I've come a long way. :) 

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